Pokemon Review

By Aleyah Henderson
Image taken from Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Emerald

Pokemon from the perspective of Marie Gwen

Hello and welcome to another review! This world is one of the more fascinating and unique, it’s full of strange characters and powerful creatures. Hope you enjoy this review, and as always, check out out appeal! 

There is such a world as Pokémon. It’s evolved with its technology, culture, and most importantly, with the creatures that inhabit it. Pokémon are strange creatures, they evolve. But everything evolves, everything grows. Yet this is different, it’s as if the Pokémon change into a completely different species of said creatures. It’s fantastical and strange, evolution gives them access to more abilities, bigger strengths. And each Pokémon has a specific region they hail from and reside in. Today, I write about the Hoenn region. 

Each region has new Pokémon to discover and different customs to explore, but one thing is always common, each new trainer gets what is called a starter Pokémon. All Pokémon have their own typing. There is fire, water, electric, grass, and many more. Depending on their typing, they will get specific abilities or moves and they will also be weak against a specific types. In this region of the world most new trainers get to choose from three starters, Mudkip, Torchic, and Treecko. Water, fire, and grass are the first types you are introduced to and are the three types you get to choose from.

After a trainer is given a starter from a Pokémon professor, trainers make their way across the region collecting badges. This is a challenge for all Pokémon trainers that wish to prove themselves. Each big city has what is called a gym leader, and they have a set type of Pokémon they use. There are eight gym leaders in almost every region. If a trainer gets all eight badges from each  gym leader, those trainers will get to face the elite four. 

Those who are a part of the elite four are considered the best trainers for that region. Its the biggest challenge for any trainer willing to test their abilities. But even stronger than the elite four is the champion. Those who get this title have already defeated the elite four and beat the previous champion for that region. Most who become Pokémon trainers have that goal set in mind to pass through victory road, take on the elite four, and defeat the champion.

But there is more to this world than just Pokemon matches and titles. There are certain Pokémon that exist that are called legendaries. They watch over the planet or the region they hail from. In the Hoenn region three legendary Pokémon are very prominent. Rayquaza reins over the skies and lives in the outer atmosphere of the planet. Rayquaza also watches over the other two prominent legendaries and makes sure they don’t fight and hurt the people and Pokémon of the planet.

Groudon reines over the earth and ground beneath him. Fire, lava, and hot magma represent him and can be summoned by him. In contrast Kyoger reins over the sea. The crashing waves and great wide unknown of the ocean represent him. Because they are so different, they do not get along with each other and thus if provoked, they will fight each other without question.

That is what some groups want however. Two well known groups, team Magma and team Aqua, wish to use these legendary Pokémon to their advantage. Team Magma wanted to expand the land around them and gain more ground, while team Aqua wanted to expand the sea and its influence. Thus is the reason the two legendaries come into play.

But no matter what evil lies in the world of Pokemon, it is still a strange and interesting world to visit. Those who wish for a grand adventure and challenging endeavors, should travel to the Hoenn region and experience all it has to offer. Explore the region to your heart’s content; and create your own attachments to the people you meet and the Pokémon companions you befriend along the way.