Shining Force Review

By Aleyah Henderson
Image taken from Wikipedia at

By Sega Genesis 1992

Shinning Force was a game made in 1992 by Sega Genesis that is a  turn-based tactical role-playing game. Much like chess, the characters move on a grid of squares. Each character can move so far and then they can attack in only certain ways. With each battle the characters become stronger and gain different abilities. Also you can buy things within the cities to help with fighting, healing, etc. Overall it is a great RPG.

“ In ages long forgotten, light fought darkness for control of the world. Dark dragon led the evil hordes of darkness. The Ancients fought back with the powers of light. Dark dragon was defeated and cast into another dimension. The lord of darkness vowed to return in one thousand years.”

“Time passed, and Dark dragon was forgotten by all. Ten centuries of peace ruled the land of Rune. Until the kingdom of Runefaust brought war and fear to Rune. hordes of evil creatures ravaged every land. Here and there, strongholds of good still held out. Awaiting a hero who could wield the powers of light…” Shinning Force. Sega Genesis, 1992.

That is only the beginning of a very interesting story. A young knight is cast into the fray and becomes the leader of the shining force all by accident. He ends up having to fight his way through monsters, wizards and warlocks, evil skeletons, and more. It starts like the stories of myth but things take a considerable turn to the modern.

There are interesting races like centaurs, half lings, bird men, fairies and many more. The hero can even recruit these races onto the shining force. What’s even more interesting is that the medieval era of this world is only a diversion. Along the hero’s journey, he encounters very strong machines. Contraptions that can turn someone into a chicken, to weapons that shoot dangerous beams of light. Even robots that could kill on a whim. This medieval world mixed with strange futuristic technologies adds greatly to the stories and tales from this land. It’s fantastical and interesting.

A great way to learn just how much is in this world, is by talking to the people who dot the many cities. Many quirky characters exist in this realm. You could talk about a circus in town, or the shady dealer standing across the street. These characters can make you laugh with one simple conversation. Talk to as many people as you can find and enjoy your time.

The look of this realm is astonishing. The plains, the mountains, the great bodies of water, even the air you breathe speaks beauty. Everything gives off a strange whimsical look. There are so many different places in this realm, it’s astounding how vast it can be. These lands also play a great part in how a battle may play out.

A battle in this realm is intriguing. There are many different types of fighters. Those who are archers are not efficient in using a sword. Or those who carry spears can also carry lances, but are more efficient with the spear. Archers and clerics are very useful, but unprotected, they can die very quickly. Archers don’t do well with taking big hits, and clerics don’t have a chance without the proper training. What’s odd about when the shining force fights, is if their leader is incapacitated. Instead of protecting him and trying to finish the fight, they must grab him and flee. Which is quite strange, and frankly ridiculous.

Over all, this world is interesting, entertaining, and hilarious. With such diverse races, the futuristic elements, the funny personalities, interesting combat, and overall enticing story, this really is quite unique.

It has its flaws, like some characters that would never work in the shining force, or some strange customs when it comes to combat. But it’s definitely not something to ignore. Looking into such an enticing world such as this one, is definitely a must.

Marie Gwen – Writer, creator, artist, cat.