brigandine Review

By Alexis Henderson
Image taken from Wikipedia at

From the Perspective of

My country was in ruins when I came to power and I had no choice but to try and regain the seat that once was. My people call me the White Wolf because of how clever I am at strategy and though I give a great front, I have to admit that much of my winnings came from the seat of my pants. I have defeated many in my quest to rebuild my country and this new threat is nothing more than an obstacle on my way to finishing that goal. I will Rule over my country as it once was, and no one will stand in my way!

In my country we wear thick skins to keep warm, much like the Skyrim that I once visited in my travels as a youth, though we don’t kill out dragons quite as regularly. Our thick furs match our thick skins, as we are a hard people. We are smart, self reliant and ready to take anything that comes our way.  When Emperor Zemechis came after us to try and rule over Forsena, I thought him mad. What fool would try and take over the entire world. To rule with such force as to destroy all others that would stand in their way and to destroy anything that might sideline his efforts. I thought him mad, that is, until I began to think the entire thing through in my head. If one kingdom ruled over Forsena, there would be ever lasting peace. If one kingdom ruled over Forsena, there would be no issues with rebuilding, fighting, resources, nothing. We would be one people and in that we would all be of once voice. I began to believe that this was not a mad man’s ploy, but the dreams of all rulers. That is when I decided to destroy the mad man, and become him at the same time. I will rule Forsena for the greatness of my home and for the memory of my ancestors. Any that stand in my path will be ruined and destroyed.