Shining Force Review

By Aleyah Henderson
Image taken from Wikipedia at

From the Perspective of

A simple healer cannot tell all of this story. This story involves many people. My story is only one portion of the fantastical events that happened in years long past. 

I only hope that all those heroes faired as well as I. Wherever they may be, I wish them the best of luck in their endeavors.

What becomes of those who save the world? Do they die martyrs, or live to see better days in the lands they saved? Or are the ones who save the world slowly forgotten with time? When I joined the shining force, I often repeated those questions in my head.

In those days , I was a simple priestess, and personal aid to the princess of Alterone. I had no business being a hero. And yet when opportunity knocked on my door, I could not help but jump head first into the unknown. That was when I met that strange traveler. The hero was the leader of the shining force.

After some altercations he had with the king of Alteron, I felt I had to step in. this group, the Shining force, were fighting for something good. The armies of Runefaust had tormented our people for too long. So the Shinning Force was there to free them of the torment, and I wanted nothing more than to be a part of that.

From then on I traveled with this band of fighters as we followed and took down the forces of evil. While I was a part of the shining force, I came across many strange things. I knew of the technology our kingdom had created, it was a shame that Runefaust used those great wonders of machinery to hurt people. I never once agreed with letting people suffer.

That is one of the reasons I became a healer. I wanted so badly to help people. Yet I knew I would never be good with a sword. So I decided that magic would be my strong suit.

My determination led me to the Shining Force. It led me to a group of very diverse people. All having different backgrounds and abilities. Sometimes, with such great friends surrounding me, I doubted myself. But after fighting through dark wizards, strange marionettes, ghouls, and zombies, I realized my doubt was for nothing.

I fought side by side with those who saved the world, and to me, that is better than any amount of gleaming gold coins.  


Khris of the Shining Force