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This link is for the Alexa Show 5. A great device that we use constantly at home to help us look things up, connect to one another and enjoy music while we work. It is something you would probably love as well. We will do a review over it at some point, I’m sure. 

This link is for the  Retro-Bit Sega Genesis Mini Console Bundle with 8-Button USB Controller Double Pack  that we are using to do our game reviews. This is a great little system which is so much fun. We will do a review over it at some point as well. We think it is one of the best gaming retros that we have come across. We have worked with three other ones and at some point will have a comparison. For now, just know that it is great and the selection of games is great as well.

We also have our T-shirts that help us directly. If you would like to look through them, please follow any of the below links.